Library of Congress Fun Facts!


I’ve just returned from a great vacation to D.C. and Virginia Beach and thought it would be fun to posts some book-related stuff from my travels!
Above you will see pictures from my visit to the National Archives and Library of Congress (the LOC building is amazing!)
Here are five “fun facts” about the Library of Congress:

  • Established by an 1800 act of Congress, the LOC is the oldest cultural institution in the country!
  • The Library of Congress is the largest library in the United States
  • The Library acquires approximately 15,000 new items every day.
  • It holds the largest collection of maps in the entire world!
  • The Library of Congress has collected and digitally archived every public tweet on Twitter since 2006 (that is a LOT of tweets!)

As with many institutions open to the public – there is a gift shop. I had to buy a few things, of course! (LOC magnet, Jane Austen coffee mug, and White House Christmas Ornament shown above.)

While I’m mostly discussing the Library of Congress, I highly recommend the National Archives as well (no photography allowed inside, which is why I have no pictures to share). Just be ready for some really long lines since everyone wants to see the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution, which are all on display.

Other trip highlights included the Smithsonian American History Museum, running into Congressman John Lewis at Ted’s Bulletin, Colonial Williamsburg, and a whole bunch of beach time!

Have you been to D.C. or Virginia Beach? What was your favorite part of the trip?

Books that make me want to travel

I don’t need a book to fuel my love of travel – it’s one of my favorite things to do. But, there are books that certainly make me want to travel to a particular place. Here are my top five (at the moment; it’s ever-changing!)

  1. Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling. One ticket to Hogwarts, please! Okay, I can’t actually go there (sad) but I can visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. I can’t wait to go there one day and drink butter beer while holding a wand from Ollivanders.
  1. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. This book made me want to go to Savannah, Georgia, so much! I think it’s a mixture of the way Berendt describes the city as well as the odd characters. I have a cousin that lives in Atlanta so I may have to plan a trip soon. 
  1. A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. Okay, so I am not ‘outdoorsy.’ At all. But this book is hilarious, and I could really picture the Appalachian Trail in my mind throughout this story. This book made me want to go on an adventure.
  1. Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants by Ann Brashares. This book made me want to go to Greece! At the time it was mainly because I wanted to meet someone like Kostos and have an epic summer romance. But now that I’m married, I would still love to go for the amazing culture!
  1. Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Before you think I’m crazy, let me explain! This book made me wish I could have experienced the Chicago World’s Fair. It sounds amazing. It does not make we wish I could meet a serial killer. Also, if you haven’t read this, you should!

Are there any books that make you want to travel?