Tuesday Talks -Reading Reviews


It’s time for another Tuesday Talks! Click the link to join the Goodreads group and see the monthly topics!

This week’s question: Do you read/watch reviews before or after reading a book?

It really depends on the book and author. For example, I fully intend on purchasing and reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child without reading any reviews. I do this with most of my favorite authors.


I find that reading reviews of books I’m looking forward to actually put me off the book and I would rather form my own opinion. For example, I was really looking forward to Go Set a Watchman but read so many horrible reviews about it that I still haven’t purchased the book. (The reviews for this book were inescapable, it seems. There were everywhere!)


That being said, if there is a book that looks interesting but I’m unfamiliar with the title or the author, I’ll often check the general rating on the book before I make the purchase. If the book has a really awful rating, then I’ll read the reviews to see why people didn’t like it.

If I really loved a book, or was confused by it, then I’ll read reviews once I’m done. I do the same with movies, actually.

How about you? Do you read reviews? If so, do you read them before or after reading the book?